RESULT [love love love]

ouyeahhhh.esok wehh esok.haha..tentatif esok seperti berikut>>>

> bangun suboh xmaw tidoq dah
>siap baju
>8.45 ready atas moto
>8.55 smpy 
>9.00 tgu kawan2 len mai berkumpoi
>9.05 brtolak ke pokok sena (restoran santai)
>9.25 smpy kat ctu order roti canai.hehe
>sementara tu tgu kawan2 joh smpy
>10.00 bergerak p skolah
>beratoq amek result
>wat muka blur dapat result
>amek talipon kol mak.klw trokk ckp kedit nak habeh.haha
>amek gmbaq orang ramai ngn wafi
>xjawab bila orang tnya dapat berapa.
>dah selesai kumpoi semua ..BALEK ARH..

sampai kat rumah kalau slip tu tuleh 9A..dok atas sofa smbil senyum sorang2.haha.klw dapat below 7A p dok lam bilek sat.melengung.pkiq u mana nk p nih.haha..k lah.merapu sat.daaa..GOOD LUCK CALON2 SPM!!!

This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 20, 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

One Response to “RESULT [love love love]”

  1. hey nice one post.....this helped me alot to come out problem.!!
    thanks alot.
    1996Infiniti I30 AC Compressor
